Sitemap - 2024 - Bond Papers

The Biggest Year Yet

Remember. Renew. Rededicate.

The Ottawa Circus

The Gulls of Churchill Falls

Expanding Churchill Falls

1969 Redux

Churchill Falls Background

The Braya-ing of the Asses

The Imaginarium of Doctor Preposterous

While I'm gone...

Trump, Trudeau, and the Premiers

(No) Doctor in the House

The Narrative Equation

Muskrat Falls and our high-risk future

Economic signs - Fall 2024

The Illusion of Meaningful Action

Fistfuls of cash help Townie toffs

That dent won't buff out

The Simplest Things

Return of the Reading List

Lest we forget (2014)

Remembrance 2024

Whither Canada with Donald 2?

A ballot question

Gerry's Lands Act Charade

Monday Morning Money News

Do better

Hump Day Holiday

Working Drafts

Herd Management

Festering Conflicts of Interest

Common Sense

Better get a bucket

Fall GNL Financial Update

Baby Talk

Navigators to Nowhere

King bails on Con nomination

Democracy, Fair Pay, and Hypocrisy

Resume normal broadcasting

Reading and Thinking

They sold the shop

The fix is in for King

Truth and Reconciliation Collection

Truth, Reconciliation, and stuff to read

Sound and Furey

Chunky Milk Problem

My Substack Summer

The politics of silence

The Monkey Cage gone wild

Harm Enabling

The jig is up

The Unhealth Department

Andrew Parsons and the Liberals' Future

Team Beige

Local News: the Reality

Cooked Goose. Baked Guv'mint.

Home, home out of range


Which one's a feminist?

The jungle isn't neutral

Team Furey throws more public cash to windy gas

Political Snapshot

Uber-justice and unter-news

NALCOR spills millions

The (Not A) Booty Call Regatta

Regatta Day Round-up

The insufferable lightness of being partisan

Cruel Summer 2024

The Jokers of NALCOR

Politics and milk shouldn't mix

Toxic Tampon Information

The Province of Nuts

A new book...

BondCast S4 E1 - Fred and Gerry's Re-election Spending Spree

Lela and Francois and Seamus and Dave and Andy

How Blue was my valley?

Jews don't count

Yankee-doodle ding-a-lings

John Hogan: Human Shield

Andrew Furey's Equalization Law Suit

Borderline Designs

Governor General Gets Political

Newfoundland's entry to the Great War

Welcome to the Monkey Cage

Housing, productivity, and retail sales

Newfoundland and Lunador

A hand-me-down holiday

Say what, Dave?

The OilCo Spill

None of the above

What's up, Docs?

Y'er gonna need a bigger boat

Mawsey-clearing book list

Matt Barter, alumnus

The rhythm of unaccountability

Equalization Do-Si-Do

I am Furey-ous (Red)

Dr. Yes B'y

Paging Dr. Panda

Rex, Ray, and public (dis) comfort

Playing the race card

The Devil's Snare

The Rate Mitigation Fraud

Double-dip teacher numbers balloon, again.

Rex Murphy, in his heart and soul

Tomb of the Unknown Country

The allure of bullshit

The key word is "alienation"

Three politicians in search of an audience

The triumph of selective blindness

Springtime and Über

See the problem?

The Strategic Two-Step

All aboard the Crazy Train

Optical Delusion

Humbled Bragging

Not serious defence people

Here's comes the sun

The Entente and Newfoundland

Academy of the Absurd

The Fisheries Crisis

The *really* inconvenient "Indians"

Ginger, get the popcorn!

Independence, Dependence, and the Telling Silence

Good News! and stuff to read

Dunning Kruger

Near record deficit for 2024

The return of John Efford

Fact Attack


The Omega Glory

Remembering COVID

Minister of Javelin Catching


Housing the Dead

Wendy Mesley and the Death of Media

Brian Mulroney, 1939-2024

Right, said Fred

The Self-Licking Ice Cream Cone

PMJT, HQ, and Making Putin Pay

Numbers and Stuff

Winter Weekend Book List

Dubai, Dubai, duo flop

NALCOR Generations Behind

Edsel J. Bonnell, 1935 - 2024

Provincial Action Team on housing

A quick poll-by-poll look at CB East-Bell Island

Well done, Fred

More dollars for scholars but less education

Mosley and the Truck Convoy decision

The Dog Fight in Beachy Cove

QC to allow private-to-private electricity sales

The importance of education spending

Nails and Integrity

Road Paving

Giving away our future. Or not.

Politics and Hydro

Real made-up Newfies

Seducing Doctor Furey

Lost in the weeds

If not us, then who?