Once again we talk about Photo Ops….and there is a reason for that. Our Premier appears to be taking advice from advisors that have completed some sort of training in why Instagram, Facebook and Tic Toc are the front door entrances to get the “message” out.

In a world of “being famous for being famous”, or someone who attains a celebrity status for no clearly identifiable reason… is a bit dramatic, it appears in this case, that our Premier is famous for his past successes and family connections. Not big policy initiatives. The Comms people would disagree citing that the photos have been accompanied by background and context. This is true, but I am certain that background and context is not the M.O. or scrolling behaviour for social platforms. Furey and Company need those constituents and they are striking out!

A Photo Op on the other side of the country, while looking concerned, should have been a Photo Op of our Premier looking at his Zoom Screen in his Office…, looking concerned.

Just imagine what the message could have been of our Premier being concerned and advancing opportunities … all while not spending a dime traipsing around, looking concerned. The only message that our Premier delivered was a flurry of threads of his constituents clicking “WTF is he up to now”!

If he still wants to traipse around looking concerned then I would suggest that he book a room somewhere in the Province and meet with a crowd that are hard done by. Pretty sure he could find a few groups that would welcome a Photo Op of the Premier looking concerned.

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We live in an Age of Celebritocracy.

This is related to the idea of a perpetual campaign.

And yes, absolutely, it reflects that superficial and amateurish notion that the pinnacle of politics is IG or FB. Danny and his bunch were obsessed with OL and poll goosing. Dwight's crowd had a bizarro fixation on Da Twitter and Andrew's crew are the same but even more obsessive on what really is trivia.

There's a running theme here for the past 20 years that ties Government by Fernando (It is better to look good than to feel good, my darlings) to the current Paris Hilton world (famous for being famous) right down to the celebrity book ghostwritten and released as part of the leadership campaign.

The travel and the photo ops are all part of that but the substance of governing is largely absent and has been for a very long time. There have been within each administration folks who did the governing thing but they are marginalized or work against the huge internal friction of the celebritocracy machine.

Since 2020, the Real Governing is being done by folks like John Abbott and he is carrying on the daily grind of governing with people like Parsons and Haggie and a handful of others. Literal handful.

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