While I agree with your assessment… I don’t think there was any realistic opportunity for either Wakeham or Furey to advance any deep conversation. Byrne’s indignation smacked of a “political gotcha” and Wakeham was only concerned with getting the issue off of the news cycle as quickly as possible.

While the comment from the Tory candidate is tone deaf and rooted in some anecdotal nonsense the opportunity to advance this conversation was lost unfortunately. The real concern is someone clamouring on about things that are not backed up with facts. Happens all the time.

Google can be a wonderful thing and if Mr. Paddock used his mouse he would have learned that German doctors are leaving because of poor remuneration and working conditions and heading off to places that provide better conditions…not moose or Brook trout. What’s really at play is the want of some to have our rural doctors to fit in unnoticed behind the wheel of their Dodge Ram as they head out Berry picking. Rural NL has a long inclusive education journey.

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Agreed but let me throw this idea at you as well: sometimes the strategy is more important than the tactical. There was an opportunity *before* this came up but neither noticed it and in one case actually ignored it. Plus, what are they going to do next? I doubt either will come up with an effective identity plank for their platform and if the Liberals do, it will be a brain fart that will vanish as fast as it is launched.

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Good piece, Ed

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