The NeverLand political press release ("it will by years before anyone knows it's wrong") video was priceless. Classic modus operandi of NS Premier Houston.

Fantastic writing Ed.

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What a great, interesting and informative piece, and a cute, sexy writing style.

So Daddy Muskrat, engineer Gilbert Bennett was at the big announcement. That's a seal of approval for a great deal, a Muskrat 2.0 boondoggle.

Clyde Wells was there? A very sharp mind, but are his ties to the Liberal bandwagon greater than the economics of this deal? As one who locked horns with Joey's mad schemes, has he made public statements on this deal?

The cute, naughty references to 69, and FRED (which I was ignorant of the meaning) so I watched the video link, learning further of the giant cargo US plane, referenced with the term FRED, and alternate nickname Linda Lovelace, as the plane could kneel and take huge amounts from both ends.

Entertaining Ed

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