A blunt, hard hitting, great piece of writing. A whole lot of facts, truth and solid opinion. It reinforces my belief that this deal is worse that the original one.

The resource of the Churchill river has been and will continue to be, under this deal, not a fair deal, but primarily, and by far, for the benefit of Quebec , to use the power for their domestic and industrial use, to remain a world class leader in renewable green, low cost, reliable energy. To extend a contract of dirt cheap power from 50 to 100 years, and ample time to make future adjustments to repeat the process, with politicians here that just get dumb and dumber, who seem not to have the best interests of the province at heart, not held accountable by the public, but promotes a scheme hoping to get reelected.

The average person has no ability to understand the complex financial and technical issues, but should have a gut feeling that the hype promoted by Furey is indeed history repeating as farce.

The self satisfaction facial expression of Furey, when tearing up a photocopy of the old CFs agreement, believing that he could easily fool the public, once again, with clever tricks, words, big smiles and hugs.

The arse is about to go right out of 'er, hey b'y.

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Oh man. I'm a Québécois electrical engineer, and ... I can't help but feel that the leaders of Our Friendly Neighbours Out East are peasants and fishwives ready to selll their kids for glass baubles.

I read John Crosbie's biography, "No Holds Barred", and was shocked what happened during Joey Smallwood's reign, the mentality behind it, and all that. I remember Danny Williams' (aka Primo Putz) seeming to me a loudmouth aberration (who did extort stuff from the Paul Martin feds), and his successors (aka The Forgotten But Not Gone) seeming to me a series of non-entities, ... but ... at what point does a people come to DESERVE its getting taken advantage of?

(Sarcasm on) Ah well. Maybe the GNL will get debt lifted off its shoulders by selling Labrador to us Québécois. Newfoundland sans Labrador will get a few bills (as in billions) from us, and we'll soothe our resentment for The Outrage of 1927. (/Sarcasm Off).

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Why is government involved in running a business and negotiating business deals on our behalf?

Warren Buffett's energy company runs all kinds of energy projects throughout the mid west in the US, including Hydro Electric. (That company supplies Alberta with energy as well). The company delivers energy, and the company take all the risks on for the various projects. Risks are downloaded to their shareholders. Taxpayers do not take on the risk.

Why does government have to do it here? The government already downloaded $17Billion plus in debt onto our kids and grandkids. And now they are downloading some other deal on us that none of us know is good or bad, as we do not have the ability to assess it. If a person downloaded their mortgage debt to their kids and grandkids, we would call them psycho. Yet we seem fine with it, when its done on a much larger scale.

We are our own worst enemy. We look to government for everything, and then we are pissed when it doesn't work out. There are better solutions out there to solve problems. We don't have to depend on government for everything.

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Yay, Ed. Young Andrew is a body builder apparent from the bulging muscles, and like Charles Power before him, looks pretty in a good suit.

Someone said never trust a man in a blue suit wearing brown shoes. It was first said about Edward VIII, the failed king and now it seems a traitor, or at least a Nazi collaborator. It is interesting to see who else wears blue and brown in history, like The Donald …

More whinging, mewling and puking for another half century, great. I’m glad I have no offspring, if I did, i would tell them to get out, get out now, and never come back.

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