Since NL has been through this before, I raised the point that we can actually deal with this ourselves, unlike the last time when the solution to the problem was thrust upon us.

We don't have to follow the same pattern although the cynic in me knows full well that history repeats first as tragedy, then as farce.

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This province's needed changes will only occur when they are imposed by creditors.

Furey may have resigned because he saw what was coming down the pipe, and didn't have the stomach to stick around for the fallout. If thats the case, maybe the day of reckoning is coming in the next 2 or 3 years. Maybe it will be a day when payroll doesn't get met. On that day, reality may set in.

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Until they are absolutely forced, the so-called decision makers will kick the can down the road. It’s the ‘default mode’.

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